Stock Location Maintenance

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This feature is available only if you have also purchased AutoCount Accounting Pro edition or above.

Locations will be used to represent location of HQ and outlets.

(This step is not needed for single outlet operation, as you may just use the default location: HQ. )


To activate the module of multi location, go to Tools > Program Control > Module Setting... check the checkbox of Multi Location Stock.... then OK.


For example, if you have HQ (KL) plus 3 outlets (Penang, Johor, Kuantan), you need to maintain altogether 4 locations.


Go to Stock > Stock Location Maintenance

Click on New to add new location, or Edit to edit location

Click on POS Posting Setting to define the G/L posting accounts.






For payment using points, you may choose either to post to a Payment Method account (Point Payment Method), or to post to a normal Ledger account (Point Payment Account)






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