Menu Purchase

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Modul Pembelian (Purchase) berisi semua yang berkaitan dengan aktivitas pembelian.









Berikut ini adalah tabel ringkasan dari berbagai macam dokumen pembelian dan fungsi-fungsi yang berkaitan.



Purchase Document


Save in K.I.V. Folder

Apply Address

Copy/Paste Document /Detail

Post to Stock

Post to GL

Transfer From

Data Entry By Past Purchase Record

Refresh A/C No.

Change Unit Price


Request Quotation







Purchase Order



Request Quotation,

Sales Order




Goods Received Note


Request Quotation,

Purchase Order






Request Quotation,

Purchase Order,

Goods Received Note


New Payment

Cash Purchase

Request Quotation,

Purchase Order,

Goods Received Note

Cash Purchase Option,

Open Cash Drawer

Purchase Return

Purchase Invoice



Cancel Purchase Order




Purchase Order





Goods Return



Goods Received Note











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