Invoicing > Landing Cost |
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Pro-rated by Sub Total: landing cost will be distributed among transacted items according to the ratio of each item row's subtotal. E.g.
The total landing cost is 100.00; total document amount is 500.00 Item A, Qty=2, Unit Price=100, Sub Total = 200 Pro-rated landing cost = 200/500 * 100 = 40.00 Item B, Qty=3, Unit Price=80, Sub Total = 240 Pro-rated landing cost = 240/500 * 100 = 48.00 Item C, Qty=1, Unit Price=60, Sub Total = 60 Pro-rated landing cost = 60/500 * 100 = 12.00
Pro-rated by Stock Item Weight: landing cost will be distributed among transacted items according to the ratio of each item row's total weight; item weight is maintained at Stock Item Maintenance. E.g. The total landing cost is 100.00; total weight is 50 kg. Item A, Qty=2, Item Weight=10 kg, Total Weight= 20 Pro-rated landing cost = 20/50 * 100 = 40.00 Item B, Qty=3, Item Weight=8 kg, Total Weight= 24 Pro-rated landing cost = 24/50 * 100 = 48.00 Item C, Qty=1, Item Weight=6 kg, Total Weight= 6 Pro-rated landing cost = 6/50 * 100 = 12.00
Pro-rated by Stock Item Volume: landing cost will be distributed among transacted items according to the ratio of each item row's total volume; item volume is maintained at Stock Item Maintenance. E.g.
The total landing cost is 100.00; total volume is 50 litre. Item A, Qty=2, Item Volume=10 litre, Total Volume= 20 Pro-rated landing cost = 20/50 * 100 = 40.00 Item B, Qty=3, Item Volume=8 litre, Total Volume= 24 Pro-rated landing cost = 24/50 * 100 = 48.00 Item C, Qty=1, Item Volume=6 litre, Total Volume= 6 Pro-rated landing cost = 6/50 * 100 = 12.00
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