How to install 2 different versions of AutoCount Accounting in a same PC?

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Assuming you have installed and currently using AutoCount Accounting version (database version, and you would like to install the newer version (database version without removing the older version, just follow the following steps


(1)  Rename the program folder
Go to C:\Program Files\AutoCount, rename the folder 'Accounting' .... i.e. change to 'Accounting133'
Remove the existing desktop shortcut of AutoCount Accounting, then create a new desktop shortcut for 'C:\Program Files\AutoCount\Accounting133\Accounting.exe'


(2)  Install newer version
Double click on the setup file of newer version (, a warning message will be prompted asking you to remove the current version, click Yes.
Complete the installation.
The default program folder will be 'C:\Program Files\AutoCount\Accounting' and a desktop shortcut will be generated.


(3) Create a new account book at older version
Double click on the desktop shortcut of the older version ( and login.
Create a new account book (preferably restore from existing account book's backup file)
Then logout.


(4) Login to newer version
Double click on the desktop shortcut of the newer version (
Login to the newly created account book in Step (3)
(in this case) You will be prompted a message requiring to upgrade the database version to, click Yes to proceed.




Important Note:

Backup your existing database (account book) before installation.
After the changes, both older and newer versions still sharing the same 'Account Book Control File (.dmf)'... this means regardless of older or newer version, at the login screen, all the account books will be listed for selection.
CAUTIOUS ! When you are working on newer version, Do NOT login to any account book that is used in older version; you MUST only login to account books that are created for newer version.
(You may make use of 'color' setting at Company Profile to distinguish or highlight the version difference),





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